Ancient Civilizations
This presentation was really different and interactive.
All the class have a VR to see en
3D the different parts of the ancient civilizations like Egypt.
They start talking
about the ancient India (context, contents, aims, methodology, a different authors).
They continue
talking about the ancient Egypt and the last ancient civilizations was the
conclusion they confirm that the three civilizations are quite similar to each
India, ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia arose in areas where the soil was fertile,
where there were rivers, near the sea to be able to trade, where a civilization
which could survive for many years without any difficulties due to the
strategic position that benefited them.
They were
hierarchical civilizations where there were social classes; all these classes
were maintained throughout the generations because the trades passed from
parents to children. In the upper social classes they went to study at a centre
where they were trained to work in the area where their parents worked, the low
social classes were dedicated to high physical work and this work was inherited
generation after generation.
The women
had a role in the house where their mothers taught them how to take care of the

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